Friday 20 June 2014


Here's a girly caterpiller wearing a bow :) just for fun

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Happy Hippo

This two friends are having a little costume party today! This illustration is for both Illustration Friday and Daily doodle :)

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Illustration Friday- Temptation

Here are some tempting biscuits on the table... yummy yummy

I'm a runner up Hooray!

Oh I'm sooooooo excited! My design for the Kids Character Competition was chosen as a runner up. This really is a confidence booster and I won a lovevly book. Here are my other entries:

Monday 2 June 2014

A week with good news

1. One of my designs was shorlisted for the tigerprint character competition

2. The lovely Moyo Magazine Issue 6 is out now and I'm featured in the student showcase (page 114)

3. The summer in Hong Kong is officially on and all the outdoor swimming pools are open, I'm always very happy when the sun is shining!

4. And finally, I found a book I had wanted to buy ages ago illustrated by Cally Johnson- Isaacs who I admire very much. It's a very colourful book and a lovely story

Bonus news: my new kitten looks a lot like Jiji - the cat in Kiki's delivery service's movie-. My kitten is called Cereza.